poniedziałek, 4 lutego 2008

Eight (8) Spider Facts That May Make You Arachnophobic

Though most spiders are harmless, some of these tiny creatures are deadly, frequently catch birds as prey. Others can live for nearly 30 years. Following are eight spider facts that may make you Arachnophobic.

1. Most Dangerous Spider?

The Sydney Funnel Web Spider (Atrax robustus) which occurs in New South Wales, from Newcastle to Nowra and West to Lithgow is incredibly dangerous since it is capable of causing death in as little as 15 minutes with its spider venom.

2. Deadliest Spider?

Brown Recluse Spider.

Brown Recluse Spider Bite.

Black Widow Female Spider

Only 27 species out of nearly 35,000 species of spiders are known to have caused human fatalities. The Brown Recluse Spider and the Black Widow Spider are the only spiders in the United States known to have been deadly. The venom in the Black Widow spider is highly toxic and in fact 15 times more toxic than the venom of a prairie rattlesnake. The bite from the Brown Recluse and the Black Widow are not automatically fatal. Due to advanced antivenin, less than 1% of people are at risk of dying after a bite.

3. Most Venomous Spider.

The venom of the Brazilian Wondering Spider makes it the most venomous. In fact the venom is so strong that it only takes about 0.006 mg to decisively kill a mouse.

4. All Spiders Do Not Catch Prey With Webs.

Jumping spiders (Salticidae) are highly skilled day hunters and hardily utilize their web to catch their prey. The spider is equipped with eight eyes, two of which are extremely large and face forward giving the spider highly clear and magnified vision. The spider's back legs are extremely strong and when the spider hunts, it does so covertly and then leaps on its prey while expelling a trailing safety web of silk behind.

5. Biggest Spider Web

The Tropical orb weaver spider of the genus Nephila spin enormous webs that stretch more than 18 feet across. These mammoth webs are more than capable of catching large insects, bats and birds!

6. The Strength of Spider Silk.

Spider silk is five time stronger than steel and twice as strong as bullet proof kevlar. This is in pound for pound studies. Spider silk is also capable of stretching about 30 percent longer than its original length. Stretching the silk will not break it and thus it is extremely resilient.

7. Oldest Spiders.

Tarantulas live the longest lives, specifically the Mexican Tarantula lives up to 28 years. For many early civilizations, this was considerably longer than the life expectancy than human beings.

8. What is Arachnophobia?

Arachnophobia is defined as an inordinate fear of spiders. This common phobia can often be triggered by the thought, image or sometimes even by a picture of a spider. Entomophobia is the common phobia or fear of insects in general.


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